18-01-17 (AM) Introduction into using Raspberry Pi and Arduino with EEG headsets
Introduction into using Raspberry Pi and Arduino with EEG headsets
When: 18th Jan 2017
Time: 11am to 1pm
Where: Meet in the Tate Taylor Digital Studio in the Tate Britain
What: In this workshop we will cover the basics of connecting the inexpensive EEG headset to Raspberry Pi and Arduino and using the data to control such components such as LED or servo. We will also explore ways of feeding the data into Max/MSP and Puredata.
Who: This workshop is open to UAL staff & students who would like to learn about Raspberry Pi, Arduino and EEG headsets at any level and are interested in supporting related workshops & collaborative projects at the Tate Exchange events in Feb & March.
Book: Please complete this form if you wish to attend
Workshop lead: Grzesiek Sedek