DMC Newsletter 26-11-18

What's Happening DMC?

We have 3 DMC interest groups developing nicely, see below (nice work all those involved!). The idea is, these groups are and will continue to be part of the day-to-day DMC business/activity, its what we/DMC do. 

Don't worry if the groups seem too 'tech' focused, its just the best way of clustering interested people together. We will start addressing more conceptual issues and challenges within these groups as we respond to projects, the first being Tate Exchange 2019. But lets carry on experimenting and building the DMC interest groups before focusing on the Tate Exchange project.

  • DMC: AI/Machine Learning 
  • DMC: Immersive/Extended Reality
  • DMC: Hybrid Tech

It was great to have a #artsDMC Machine Learning AI Meet up at the Serpentine Gallery, Pierre Huyghe: UUmwelt ecosystem of flies, images & deep neural networks this week (Image above) -go visit,lets do more of this!

Chelsea MakerSpace re-opening !

Chelsea MakerSpace a student led collaborative Makerspace is up and running again, its going to take a few weeks to get fully set up so, if you do go along please contribute/help in some way to help out.

See Tate Exchange (Tex) website to get up to speed with the themes Tex are exploring. This year Tex exploring the theme of ‘Movement’ in collaboration with our Lead Artist, Tania Bruguera.

DMC groups will start planning for Tate Exchange 2019 residency soon, the current DRAFT Tate Exchange DMC event info is below: 

Beta Society: with the Digital Maker Collective 
Tate Exchange, Tate Modern 4th – 10th March 2019

Join the Digital Maker Collective and our community partners to campaign for a Beta Society, help us to recalibrate our digital lives through citizen centered innovation.

The Beta Society event aims to explore socially engaged practice & social inclusion through a digital lens, provoking debate around the pervasive nature of digital technology and the positive & negative impacts on social inclusion. 

How can we use digital technology to better enable positive change for social mobility and greater accessibility to education and work? 

Themes explored include:

Emergent Futures:

  • Rapid movement and impact of digital technological change on our everyday lives and local communities.
  • Access, diversity and inequality in arts & creative education, creative sector and the tech industries. 

Hyperlocal Collaboration:

  • How do we create a neutral space that can avoid structured mandates and support true collaboration and social inclusion?
  • What challenges are there for local communities in moving into and/or representing itself in a different location, environment & context like Tate Exchange and University of the Arts London.
  • Borderless Movement, how can we explore virtual movement and collaboration through immersive experimentation & collaboration? 

This Week Meet Ups

DMC: Immersive/Extended Reality

  • Where: Chelsea Makerspace
  • Date: Tuesday 27th November
  • Time: 9am onwards
  • Meet up contacts: 
  • What: We will be collaborating in creating an immersive world and sharing our skills with immersive tech. Exploring AR, VR and MR. There will be new members at this meeting, so it would be good to bring some of your own work, to have a show and tell at the beginning of the session.
  • More Details: People who may be interested: Artists and creatives wishing to collaborate, develop and share knowledge with other enthusiasts in creative immersive tech.

DMC: Hybrid Tech

  • Where: Camberwell Canteen
  • Date: Tuesday 27th Nov 
  • Time: 11.00 am
  • Meet up contacts: Nicola Rae
  • What: We will be discussing further and co-researching how Kinect can work interactively with movement as well as possibly the Makerbot through Arduino. Terry will tell/show us more about the possibilities of Volumetric Filmmaking.

Tate Exchange Workshop: POLITICAL MOVEMENTS

  • Where: Tate Exchange, Tate Modern 5th Floor
  • Date: Tuesday 27 November 
  • Time: 14.00–17.00
  • Meet up contacts: This workshop is organised by the Activism Research Network of Canterbury Christ Church University
  • What: A creative space to explore connections between socially engaged artistic practice and progressive movements of political change through discussion. More info here

Exchange ideas, philosophies and common concerns in relation to the theme of ‘Political Movement(s)’.
How can activist art relate to and support contemporary movements of social transformation?
What is the purpose of activist art in the context of austerity?
How might activist art challenge issues of marginalisation, exploitation, privilege and exclusion?
What forms of artistic practice might be best suited to the politics of radical social transformation?

DMC: AI/Machine Learning 

  • Where: Chelsea canteen, moving to the Maker Space
  • Date: Friday 30th Nov
  • Time: 12:00 noon
  • Meet up contacts: Nana Maiolini, Francisco Mazza & Vishal Mistry
  • What: Meeting to get to know eachothers practices a little better, share research and thoughts/ideas around AI
  • Plan future meet ups and start thinking about how we might work as an ‘incubator’ in the DMC
  • Would be great for people who share an interest in machine learning/AI

DMC Roadmap Timeline Nov-March 2019

Nov 2018 is the month of DMC play & experimentation getting to know each other & creating & defining new DMC communities of interest:

Those who came along this week managed to propose three new interest groups/clusters and DMC facilitators have arranged kick off meetings, please sign up and join in or just find out more about the topics being discussed.
Remember, remember from November its all about starting fresh:

  • internal reflection
  • making time to understand what the DMC is
  • how we can work together in groups?
  • what our shared interests & values are? 
  • DMC relationship to our own personal practice & values

What to start a meet up?

Please come along to any DMC drop-in sessions so we can help you plan or contact Chris Follows

Chris Follows
Camberwell Playground 
Modular Building
1 Wilson Road

- No need to enter main building,
- Turn left towards the large wooden building

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