#14-05-2018 DMC Newsletter

This Week Meet-ups

UAL Film about Chelsea MakerSpace: 
Call for students to take part

When & Where: Chelsea MakerSpace Wednesday 16 May 1pm – 3pm
Contact: Frances Bailey f.bailey@arts.ac.uk

  • CCW Makerspace interviews and filming. Our interviews and filming in the makerspace will go ahead on Wednesday 16 May 1pm – 3pm, if you can only join for a short time during this period then please pop down when you can!

  • It would be great to feature as many of you as we can so if you can attend the session please do. More info & questions for you to have a think about ahead of the day are on the Chelsea makerspace email group here

DMC Case Study:
Tate Exchange Knowledge Exchange - Chelsea MakerSpace: 

When & Where: Chelsea MakerSpace Wednesday 16 May 1pm – 3pm
Contact: Chris Follows c.follows@arts.ac.uk

  • We are looking to use this same day/time as a way of kicking off conversations about producing our own DMC case study report of Tate Exchange events, we also hope to make a film documenting what KE activities happened at Tate with interviews - we will be in contact soon with the people who have submitted feedback about taking part in the case study/film. if you haven't already please completed the Tate Exchange feedback & reflections to help inform our next/future DMC work & events. Please complete this form asap: HERE

Developing The Collective:
Internationally, partnerships &  festival

When & Where: Chelsea MakerSpace, Wednesday 16th of May from 3pm 
Contact: Florentine Ruault (email c.follows@arts.ac.uk for more details)

Florentine Ruault calling a meet up/gathering to discuss with other people

  • Developing the collective internationally 
  • Building up connections with potential financial and product partners
  • Getting involved in festival

Creative/Physical Computing Drop in
One to One open drop in session

When & Where: Chelsea MakerSpace, Wednesday 16th between 11am to 3pm
Contact: Grzesiek Sedek (email g.sedek@wimbledon.arts.ac.uk for more details)

On Weds 16 May Grzesiek (Grzesiek Sedek) will be holding a Creative/Physical Computing open drop in session in Chelsea Maker Space between 11am & 3pm  

Up-Coming Meet-ups

Call Out/Meet-ups:

  • We would like to build on the brilliant energy & activity from last term and continue the meet-ups so we can move forward with our future plans - for this we need to keep meeting up and developing projects - please complete this DMC Meet Up - Call Out Form a week in advance of any meet ups.


  • UAL ‘Digital Edge’ 27th June, Digital Catapult, Euston Road.

    On the 27th June UAL will be celebrating innovative digital practices and thinking from around the university. Hosted at the Digital Catapult on Euston Road the event will be a showcase the best of UAL digital activity (making, critiquing, teaching etc) for an audience from across UAL and the creative industries.  

    We would like to submit a DMC session/demo - would be great for DMC to contribute - anyone interested in either a demo or joint presentation please email c.follows@arts.ac.uk asap - a presentation reflecting on what we have been doing & plans for the future may be good at this stage? Thanks Chris

    The events listing and form to propose a session for UAL Digital Edge are now live: Attendee sign-up: http://events.arts.ac.uk/event/2018/6/27/UAL-Digital-Edge/ Propose a session: https://tinyurl.com/digiedge (form will be open for submissions until 31st May)

  • See DMC designer Tina Touli tinatouli case study on how she created the designs for the ‘Arts work of the future’ campaign for Digital Maker Collective at Tate Modern! http://tinatouli.com/digital-maker-collective-at-tate

External Opportunities:

  • Call for Applications: Oculus Launch Pad 2018: Oculus announce the official start of Oculus Launch Pad 2018! Applications are now open at oculus.com/launch-pad. Now in its third year, Launch Pad provides women, people of color, members of the LGBTQ community, and people from other underrepresented backgrounds funding and resources to ensure diversity of thought in the VR ecosystem. Apply online now through May 20 in one of three categories—360° film, VR experiences, and VR games—or click here for more information.

Big Picture/Future:

Over the next few months we are looking to re-organise the DMC structures & seek more support, we will not be committing to any large events until we have re-organised.

Some updates on this:

  • Meet-ups: it's important we continue informal meet ups however large or small - please complete this DMC Meet Up - Call Out Form a week in advance of any meet ups.
  • Feedback & case study reports: Over the next couple of months we will be doing a lot of evaluation and case study reporting to help communicate & understand what the DMC is, where its going and increase support

Plans to develop three strands of the DMC: 

  • DMC Education - Find a sustainable solution to maintain and support a fully open & inclusive DMC for all, this will require closer association, funding & support from educational partners like UAL - Action: continue meet-ups as usual
  • DMC Community - Seek funding & support & develop social engaged practice & build links with external communities Action: share contacts so we can build on collaborations together 
  • DMC Enterprise & Events - Create new enterprise & events opportunities through the development of new tech accelerator & incubators - these groups are formed as a result of external demand e.g for a specific service and the ongoing activities being developed in DMC Education & Community. Action: Contact c.follows@arts.ac.uk for support developing new DMC accelerators & incubators. Current DMC accelerator & incubators include: 
    • DMC Immersive DMC Immersive is one of our pilot incubator/enterprises, the team recently supported Modual: Immersive 2 week workshop at Somerset House.
    • Growing Space Project - this project grew out of the Tate Exchange and currently building collaborative partnerships with GreenLab and the OD&M project 

Thank you team DMC

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