15 Feb Drop-in planning meeting for upcoming Tate Exchange Events

Please feel free to drop in and chat about planning for Tate event on the 22nd Feb. It’s a drop in so no need to arrive at any particular time.

From 1pm A216 Chelsea College of Arts.

We have the blueprint for the event now so we just need to make a few adjustments and additions to new groups and individuals joining us on the 22nd Feb.

There are a few things we need rethink, mainly the amount of equipment we take and how we can all support the security during the event and with the moving of the kit between colleges & the Tate and back. All those using kit in the event will be jointly responsible for packing and moving, loading etc.  

Things we need to start planning:

  • Your event info, we will reuse event info which are not changed (from the 8th Programme)
  • Tate Risk Assessment form
  • Please ensure you have all read the A4 Tate Briefing Doc its for all students, speakers and collaborators
  • All facilitators please ensure you are aware of key points from Tate safeguarding policy
  • AV requirements – other than what you bring are there any other requirements – Tate AV is limited.
  • Furniture - do you need anything like tables, chairs movable wall, blackboard? Let me know please
  • Any connections to the Tate Collection you want to make please contact Chris who will discuss these with the Tate team
  • Read the Tate toolkit for more information

We will circulate a production schedule end of next week, along with the final programme, session timings, map of the space, AV allocation and collated risk assessment.

All the best.


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