We must all try and keep safe, there's a lot of new people exploring electronics for the first time so let’s all key an eye out for each other and anyone bringing electronics in:

Some Golden rules are:

  • Don’t mess with anything plugged into the wall going through mains electric  
  • If in doubt STOP what you are doing and go and talk to someone, seek advice from an expert
  • For everything you do think about what would happen if a 4-year-old got their hands on it
  • Make sure no drinks are in open glasses near the electrics
  • All tech must be PAT tested or less than a year old
  • Tape down all floor cables
  • People may rock up with their own kit so if you see anyone doing something with old or dangerous looking kit let us know straight away.
  • Only those people/groups who have submitted a Risk Assessment on time will be setting up workshops & events
  • There’s loads more to think about so we’ll keep adding any suggestions you have to the blog and remember any concerns speck to Chris Follows or the Tate team.


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